Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Power-point of God Unto Salvation?

My husband recently posted a blog about the emerging church and a comment the blog ended “The word of God, not power-point or flashy music is God's power unto salvation.” Good point. When we find a fun and exciting method of communication it is easy to get caught up in showing it off and letting people see how clever we are with it. Or not as the case may be. A badly done power point presentation is even more distracting. It is easy in either situation for the Word of God to be completely lost, or presented in such a way that it becomes a side issue for most people watching.

But with practice it is not hard to create a presentation that will compliment and enhance the message we are getting across. As I understand it the emerging church is about being culturally relevant, just as Jesus was in his day. Let’s use every tool at our disposal to make sure that God’s word is presented in a way that the people we are talking to will understand and enjoy, so that what they will remember will be the message and not the messenger.

All Change

My dad told me once that his mother's family can be traced back to the Romany tradition. I find it very easy to believe this, and have been saying for ages that I'd love to have time to find out more about it.

I guess it is because of this is that I hate being cooped up indoors and get "itchy feet" very easily. If things stay the same for too long I have to make something change. Often though, as now, change comes just at the right time without too much prompting from me.

Actually I thought it would be nice to move house, but we can't afford that so I'd given up on the idea of a major change. In September Callie starts nursery full time, which she is really looking forward too. I've also decided to re-start my studies with Open University. Perhaps that should be enough changes to be getting on with.

Anyway another, unprompted, change has just come my way, which will have a big impact on all of this. I told a friend "I've got to tell you before you hear this from anyone else" and she said "You're pregnant" - No, I'm not. But my job is going. The post I am in is not funded any more, and the charity I work for is redeploying me to it's regional office. It's about an hour's travel each way (as opposed to 20 mins walk) and I will be only working 2 days a week.

My initial reaction was to start job hunting again, but I' don't think that's what God wants. There is certainly nothing around that would suit me any better. There will be some challenges in the job, but all within the comfort of the sort of admin work I've done on and off for donkey's years. Anyway, even that job's only funded 'till March, so I'll take the opportunity to top up my experience in fund raising and data management until then. It fits in perfectly with Callie's new timetable. We are currently trying to work out how to cover the drop in salary, but it should be possible.

It could all be quite exciting actually. What will God have for me to do with that "spare time"?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Safe in the Father’s Hands

Its taken me a long time to get this blogspot started, so my first blog is already at least a month old. What does that say for the future?

Anyway here it is.

I’ve been thinking for a long time about starting a blog, but I’m not sure I’ll have time to keep it up. I’ve just, for the first time, edited one of my husband’s and realised it’s not so bad being out there in black & white for all to see. So I decided to start.

Events in our road recently made me realise how much we rely on God’s protection.

My three year old daughter, Callie, and I had only been gardening for about half an hour on Tuesday when I decided to stop for a cuppa. This is very unusual. I do the garden very infrequently, but when I do there’s so much that needs doing that I’m usually out there for a good couple of hours non-stop. Anyway, we came in and while I was making the tea I heard what I thought was kids letting off caps. About an hour later, as we sat down for lunch, I noticed there was a policewoman standing at the end of our garden. I went out to investigate and found that half our road had been cordoned off . She explained that we couldn’t go out as they were in the middle of a scene of crime investigation and a bullet had been found just outside our garden gate.

We have a very small garden! Two men had been shot right outside our house. What if we had stayed out gardening for longer?

I wonder how many other things God has kept us safe from this week without me knowing anything about it? Psalm 91 says:-

1“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

2This I declare of the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I am trusting him.

3 For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from the fatal plague.

4 He will shield you with his wings.
He will shelter you with his feathers.
His faithful promises are your armour and protection.”

I just thank God that he cares for us so much.